
The Organizing Committee of the IMAEF suggests the following hotels for your accommodation:

Recommended choice for your accommodation:

  • Hotel Kentrikon
    Tel: +30 26510 71771
    Fax: +30 26510 71946

    Please ask for the IMAEF negotiated prices:
    €57,50 -single BB / €75,00 -double BB.

Alternative choices for your accommodation:


Travel to Ioannina

- Air

You can travel to Ioannina by plane with two airlines:
Olympic Airlines (
Aegean Airlines (

There are 3 flights per day from Athens to Ioannina. The duration of the flight is approx. 45 min.

The Ioannina airport is 4 km away from the city centre and 10 km away from the University Campus. Taxis are available in front of airport exit.


- Bus

Traveling by bus from Athens takes approx. 6 h 30min.
Traveling by bus from Thessaloniki takes approx. 4 h.

Please contact us if you need extra info on traveling by bus.


- Additional info

The following sites provide useful information about Ioannina and the region of Epirus :

Please contact us if you need any further assistance in reaching Ioannina.